First of all to do something that I haven't had the chance to get to..til now. I've been tagged by my friend Susan from Scrappydoo2u. Here's how it works:
Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Answer the five sets of five (this is the easy part)
Tag 5 people in the last section by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Now for my answers..the truth shall be revealed !
Answer the five sets of five (this is the easy part)
Tag 5 people in the last section by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Now for my answers..the truth shall be revealed !
Things I love
Scrapbooking & Papercrafting
My very boyish boys
My husband and family.
All my dear friends
Scrapbooking & Papercrafting
My very boyish boys
My husband and family.
All my dear friends
80's music
Things I don't love
Narrow minded people
Narrow minded people
The horrific financial cuts from education
The war "that isn't over..but we did win it ya know"
Prop 8
Prop 8
Cleaning the bathroom
Songs on your iPod/Playlist
Duran Duran - New Religion
Duran Duran - New Religion
Franz Ferdinand- take me out
English Beat- Mirror in the Bathroom
Ok Go !- Here it goes again
U2- Pride
Favorite Foods/Drinks
Diet Pepsi with lime
Starbucks Passion Fruit Iced tea/no Sweetner
Diet Pepsi with lime
Starbucks Passion Fruit Iced tea/no Sweetner
And in other news the new kit at Tally Scrapper is available TODAY ! It always sells check it out and get on there! won't be sorry !
Here are a few things that I made with the kit.
Family news: Nicholas and Adam got their report cards yesterday and did FANTASTIC. I have been saving them a special and little bit bigger of a treat than usual for a special occasion. Well this was the occasion..all A's and B's. They both seem to really enjoy reading and are reading above grade level. Good boys! I am so proud of them. SO.... I gave them Wii Fit. We all have been playing it since last night. Now I am going to see if I can use it a lose a bit of weight and build some strength myself. :)
Umm let's see what else....
*my mom just left today from a little visit. We had a very nice time. The boys are already missing her. :(
*Joe is biking as always...but today the winds are very strong about 30 mph at times...he is going to be wrecked !
*Today is Adam's last soccer game....woohoo. (oops did I say that out loud?) It happens.
* Last weekend Nicholas went to a birthday party...the boys were taken in an SUV-LIMO. Livin' large eh? They went out for Pizza and video games and then dessert at The Melting Pot, a fondue place. Anybody ever what happened to the birthday parties with ice cream and cake, and pin the tail on the donkey ?
* I am enjoying my term on both my design teams. I find it rewarding and a lot of fun. Okay that is it for now !
(((Big Hugs)))